Friday, 10 January 2014


Someone asked me what love felt like.
I guess I knew but it felt like I didn't.
I knew because I knew how it felt.
I didn't cuz 'you don't really know something until you can explain it'.
I tried anyway.
But the harder I tried to think.
I guess I couldn't quite figure myself what it was.
So I did my best to explain
How it felt being loved.

I guess when you feel loved, it's like lightning hits you and you literally just lose it. All common senses, all proper thinking abilities. You smile stupid, you laugh goofily at everything and you really do get all warm and fuzzy inside.

Makes you feel like you can run through the whole country and still nothing will bring you down. You look at everything and everything seems so beautiful. Like for that little moment, it's like you catch a tiny glimpse of your purpose in this world. That purest moment, its like…well. You belong. Just in that moment you're not a waste of space and…suddenly like you deserve a place here on Earth.

You put on your headphones and every song is a love song. You look at the things you'd usually say no to and think 'ah, why not??'. You ignore the things that usually bug you and notice everything you usually don't in a beautiful way.

And you just want to hug everyone! Haha! Yeah that's it! Especially when they ask 'why are you so happy?'. Like u just wish everyone had a feel of it. Or like somehow, some way that you could try explain it with words to them. You want to scream it out to the whole world.

It may be very different for everyone but love at its purest and simplest with forever feel the same in my opinion.

Everyone wants to feel this way. But in truth we all have it inside. What it takes to fall in love.
But for everyone, lets not rush into it. It doesn't just take the right person. It has to be the right time and the perfect place to find it. Finding it too soon or too early
Is simply
Just a
Of its fullest potential.
So i guess it might be hard to wait but when it comes, it will be worth forever holding on and waiting.

I thought to myself: Maybe I'll write this down. Because this might be the closest I'd ever be to describing what real love feels to me. What being loved feels truly. And I, don't want to ever forget how it feels.

(Hope it isn't too cheesy for you)



    1. omg who is this :)? THANKS (': but i guess its kind of cliché, this love thing :) but its how i feel!
